# Reading in files
<- list.files(pattern = ".docx",
pre_files path = "/Users/andrewbartnik/Desktop/misc/MEDS/Spring/text/text_analysis/data/lab2/files2",
full.names = TRUE,
recursive = TRUE,
ignore.case = TRUE)
# Saving objects
<- lnt_read(pre_files)
pre_dat <- get_sentiments('bing')
bing_sent <- get_sentiments("nrc") nrc_sent
Evaluating Biodiversity Sentiment and Performing Topic Analysis
Sentiment Analysis
I used the Nexis Uni database to evaluate the sentiment surrounding biodiversity articles, and then analyzed the topics that articles fall under.
I first accessed the Nexis Uni database through the UCSB library. I then chose to search for articles related to biodiversity and downloaded a batch of 100 .docx files.
I cleaned artifacts of the data collection process (date strings, etc), and saved the metadata, article title, and paragraph contents to their own objects - adding this all together into a dataframe.
<- pre_dat@meta
meta <- pre_dat@articles
articles <- pre_dat@paragraphs
<- tibble(Date = meta$Date, Headline = meta$Headline, id = pre_dat@articles$ID, text = pre_dat@articles$Article)
# A tibble: 6 × 4
Date Headline id text
<date> <chr> <int> <chr>
1 2023-04-11 -Kao Releases Biodiversity Report Based on the TNFD Fr… 1 "Kao…
2 2023-04-11 -Kao Releases Biodiversity Report Based on the TNFD Fr… 2 "Apr…
5 2023-03-22 -Umicore - Growing our business with Zero Harm to biod… 5 "Bio…
6 2023-03-22 -Umicore - Growing our business with Zero Harm to biod… 6 "Mar…
Exploring the data a bit!
# date freq
<- data %>%
date_freq group_by(Date) %>%
summarise(freq = n())
ggplot(date_freq, aes(x = Date, y = freq)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "steelblue") +
theme_minimal() +
labs(x = "Date", y = "Frequency", title = "Frequency of Dates 2022-2023") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
Here, I’m unnesting each word in the article and joining them to their bing sentiment scores.
# Extract words
<- data |> unnest_tokens(output = word, input = text, token = 'words')
# join to sent
<- text |>
sent_words anti_join(stop_words, by = "word") |>
inner_join(bing_sent, by = 'word') |>
mutate(sent_num = case_when(sentiment == "negative" ~ -1, sentiment == "positive" ~ 1))
We can calculate the average sentiment for each article
<-sent_words |>
sent_article2 count(id, sentiment) |>
pivot_wider(names_from = sentiment, values_from = n, values_fill = 0) |>
mutate(polarity = positive - negative)
[1] 2.05
Now we can look at the distribution of sentiments across all the articles:
ggplot(sent_article2, aes(x = id)) +
theme_classic() +
geom_col(aes(y = positive), stat = 'identity', fill = 'lightblue') +
geom_col(aes(y = negative), stat = 'identity', fill = 'red', alpha = 0.5) +
labs(title = 'Sentiment analysis: Biodiversity', y = "Sentiment Score")
And for the fun part - after we filter out stop words, we can join our words to the nrc_sent
object which shows the associated sentiment for each word:
<- text |> anti_join(stop_words, by = "word") |> inner_join(nrc_sent) |> count(word, sentiment, sort = T) nrc_word_counts_bio
# Now to look at specific nrc sentiments
<- text |>
sent_counts2 anti_join(stop_words, by = 'word') |>
group_by(id) |>
inner_join(nrc_sent) |>
group_by(sentiment) |>
count(word, sentiment, sort = T)
# Evaluating contribution to sentiment
|> group_by(sentiment) |> slice_max(n, n = 10) |> ungroup() |> mutate(word = reorder(word, n)) |> ggplot(aes(x=n, y=word, fill = sentiment)) + geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) + facet_wrap(~sentiment, scales= "free_y") + labs(x = "Contribution to sentiment", y = NULL) sent_counts2
“Loss” seems to be associated with strongly negative emotions. Conservation also seems to elicit a strong emotional response.
Soil, wind, and diverse are associated with more negative emotions, which is misleading. Since these terms are pretty neutral in this context, we can reclassify their associated sentiments.
## Reclassifying
|> filter(!word %in% c("soil", "wind", "diverse")) |> group_by(sentiment) |> slice_max(n, n = 10) |> ungroup() |> mutate(word = reorder(word, n)) |> ggplot(aes(x=n, y=word, fill = sentiment)) + geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) + facet_wrap(~sentiment, scales= "free_y") + labs(x = "Contribution to sentiment", y = NULL) sent_counts2
Thats better, harm and crisis are more appropriately associated with negative sentiment than soil and wind
Now we can plot the amount of nrc emotion words as a percentage of all the emotion words used each day. Then we can analyze the distribution of emotion words change over time.
<- text %>%
nrc_emotion_counts inner_join(nrc_sent) %>%
count(Date, sentiment)
# Aggregate the text from articles published on the same day
<- nrc_emotion_counts %>%
total_emotions_by_day group_by(Date) %>%
summarise(total = sum(n))
# Calculate the percentage of NRC emotion words per day
<- nrc_emotion_counts %>%
nrc_emotion_percentage left_join(total_emotions_by_day, by = "Date") %>%
mutate(percentage = n / total * 100)
# Plot the distribution of emotion words over time
ggplot(nrc_emotion_percentage, aes(x = Date, y = percentage, color = sentiment)) +
geom_line() +
theme_minimal() +
labs(x = "Date", y = "Percentage of Emotion Words", title = "Distribution of Emotion Words Over Time") +
theme(legend.title = element_blank(), legend.position = "bottom", legend.box = "horizontal")
The sentiment around the biodiversity term is overwhelmingly positive over the given time period. Trust was the second most frequent sentiment. This could be because most of the articles I downloaded were related to conservation efforts and achievements. The only time negative sentiment surpasses positive sentiment was at the end of February, when the only article published within a 6 day period was titled “Majorda locals object to alleged destruction of biodiversity, natural flow of water by RVNL”
Topic Analysis
Now for topic analysis. We’ll first build the corpus using corpus()
from {quanteda}:
Next, we can use tokens()
, also from {quanteda}, to construct a tokens object. tokens()
takes a range of arguments related to cleaning the data.
# Making a corpus of the articles
<- corpus(x = articles, text_field = "Article")
corpus_bio <- summary(corpus_bio)
#Lets take a look
Text Types Tokens Sentences ID
1 text1 378 767 26 1
2 text2 383 775 26 2
3 text3 228 394 12 3
4 text4 221 386 12 4
5 text5 655 1790 60 5
6 text6 661 1798 60 6
Now, we’ll create a stopwords lexicon and remove each word contained in it from our tokens object. The quanteda function tokens_select()
lets us do the removal.
# Removing punctuation, numbers, and stopwords.
<- tokens(corpus_bio, remove_punct = T, remove_numbers = T)
toks2 <- stopwords("en")
add_stops <- tokens_select(toks2, pattern = add_stops, selection = "remove") toks3
Now we can transform our data to prepare for topic modeling. We can create a document-feature matrix with quanteda::dfm(). Topic modeling doesn’t work with empty rows in this matrix, so we’ll need to remove those. We can do that here using {slam}, which is designed to deal with sparse matrices like ours.
# Creating the document feature matrix
<- dfm(toks3, tolower = T)
dfm_bio <- dfm_trim(dfm_bio, min_docfreq = 2)
dfm head(dfm)
Document-feature matrix of: 6 documents, 3,297 features (89.93% sparse) and 1 docvar.
docs kao corporation published report business risk opportunity biodiversity
text1 17 2 3 7 9 3 2 11
text2 17 2 3 7 9 3 2 11
text3 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 9
text4 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 9
text5 0 0 0 0 5 2 0 33
text6 0 0 0 0 5 2 0 33
docs tnfd case
text1 5 1
text2 5 1
text3 0 0
text4 0 0
text5 0 0
text6 0 0
[ reached max_nfeat ... 3,287 more features ]
<- slam::row_sums(dfm)>0
sel_idx <- dfm[sel_idx,] dfm
We’re almost ready to run a model. We just have to come up with an initial value for k, the number of latent topics present in the data. Lets first start with 10. We will experiment with a few more values of k later.
Running topicmodels::LDA() produces two probability distributions: theta, a distribution over k topics (here, 10) within each document and beta,the distribution v terms within each topic, where v is our vocabulary (total unique words in our data set).
K = 10
# Lets first set K
<- 10
<- LDA(dfm,
k, method= "Gibbs",
control = list(iter = 500,
verbose = 25))
K = 10; V = 3297; M = 100
Sampling 500 iterations!
Iteration 25 ...
Iteration 50 ...
Iteration 75 ...
Iteration 100 ...
Iteration 125 ...
Iteration 150 ...
Iteration 175 ...
Iteration 200 ...
Iteration 225 ...
Iteration 250 ...
Iteration 275 ...
Iteration 300 ...
Iteration 325 ...
Iteration 350 ...
Iteration 375 ...
Iteration 400 ...
Iteration 425 ...
Iteration 450 ...
Iteration 475 ...
Iteration 500 ...
Gibbs sampling completed!
Let’s examine at our results. posterior()
extracts theta and beta
# Extracting the result and examininng the attributes
<- posterior(topicModel_k10)
result attributes(result)
[1] "terms" "topics"
# Getting beta, theta
<- result$terms
beta <- result$topics
theta <- colnames(beta)
[1] 10 3297
[1] 100 10
terms(topicModel_k10, 10)
Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5
[1,] "biodiversity" "said" "global" "environment" "biodiversity"
[2,] "risks" "wildlife" "climate" "biodiversity" "forest"
[3,] "conservation" "area" "conservation" "national" "management"
[4,] "impact" "project" "change" "local" "content"
[5,] "natural" "lake" "loss" "protect" "department"
[6,] "projects" "park" "biological" "environmental" "also"
[7,] "risk" "also" "conference" "minister" "meeting"
[8,] "investment" "protection" "biodiversity" "development" "officer"
[9,] "can" "land" "framework" "including" "programme"
[10,] "also" "living" "china" "efforts" "council"
Topic 6 Topic 7 Topic 8 Topic 9
[1,] "biodiversity" "food" "biodiversity" "biodiversity"
[2,] "business" "said" "cent" "environmental"
[3,] "report" "water" "companies" "water"
[4,] "kao" "may" "fund" "nature"
[5,] "nature" "climate" "$" "site"
[6,] "help" "natural" "financial" "eritrea"
[7,] "development" "agriculture" "use" "sites"
[8,] "activities" "major" "group" "areas"
[9,] "part" "resources" "funds" "protect"
[10,] "provide" "services" "climate" "life"
Topic 10
[1,] "species"
[2,] "biodiversity"
[3,] "diversity"
[4,] "can"
[5,] "ecosystems"
[6,] "human"
[7,] "animals"
[8,] "conservation"
[9,] "health"
[10,] "many"
An alternative to specifying k based on theory or a hypothesis is to run a series of models using a range of k values. ldatuning::FindTopicsNumber gives us the tools for this.
# Running a sequence of K values
<- FindTopicsNumber(dfm,
result topics = seq(from = 2, to = 20, by = 1), metrics = c("CaoJuan2009", "Deveaud2014"),
method = "Gibbs",
verbose = T)
fit models... done.
calculate metrics:
CaoJuan2009... done.
Deveaud2014... done.
# Plotting our results
Let’s estimate another model, this time with a new value of k.
K = 5
# Set K
<- 5
# Taking the same approach as before
<- LDA(dfm,
k, method= "Gibbs",
control = list(iter = 500,
verbose = 25))
K = 5; V = 3297; M = 100
Sampling 500 iterations!
Iteration 25 ...
Iteration 50 ...
Iteration 75 ...
Iteration 100 ...
Iteration 125 ...
Iteration 150 ...
Iteration 175 ...
Iteration 200 ...
Iteration 225 ...
Iteration 250 ...
Iteration 275 ...
Iteration 300 ...
Iteration 325 ...
Iteration 350 ...
Iteration 375 ...
Iteration 400 ...
Iteration 425 ...
Iteration 450 ...
Iteration 475 ...
Iteration 500 ...
Gibbs sampling completed!
<- posterior(topicModel_k10)
result attributes(result)
[1] "terms" "topics"
<- result$terms
beta <- result$topics
theta <- colnames(beta)
[1] 10 3297
[1] 100 10
terms(topicModel_k5, 10)
Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4
[1,] "biodiversity" "species" "ecosystems" "biodiversity"
[2,] "risks" "climate" "biodiversity" "said"
[3,] "financial" "conservation" "water" "forest"
[4,] "said" "diversity" "report" "development"
[5,] "companies" "loss" "health" "national"
[6,] "impact" "global" "human" "environment"
[7,] "per" "change" "activities" "also"
[8,] "climate" "areas" "important" "area"
[9,] "fund" "natural" "eritrea" "lake"
[10,] "last" "also" "kao" "project"
Topic 5
[1,] "biodiversity"
[2,] "nature"
[3,] "environmental"
[4,] "business"
[5,] "new"
[6,] "protect"
[7,] "can"
[8,] "help"
[9,] "site"
[10,] "work"
One last value for K:
K = 7
<- 7
<- LDA(dfm,
k, method= "Gibbs",
control = list(iter = 500,
verbose = 25))
K = 7; V = 3297; M = 100
Sampling 500 iterations!
Iteration 25 ...
Iteration 50 ...
Iteration 75 ...
Iteration 100 ...
Iteration 125 ...
Iteration 150 ...
Iteration 175 ...
Iteration 200 ...
Iteration 225 ...
Iteration 250 ...
Iteration 275 ...
Iteration 300 ...
Iteration 325 ...
Iteration 350 ...
Iteration 375 ...
Iteration 400 ...
Iteration 425 ...
Iteration 450 ...
Iteration 475 ...
Iteration 500 ...
Gibbs sampling completed!
<- posterior(topicModel_k10)
result attributes(result)
[1] "terms" "topics"
<- result$terms
beta <- result$topics
theta <- colnames(beta)
[1] 10 3297
[1] 100 10
terms(topicModel_k7, 10)
Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4
[1,] "biodiversity" "biodiversity" "can" "biodiversity"
[2,] "environment" "risks" "biodiversity" "forest"
[3,] "environmental" "conservation" "ecosystems" "said"
[4,] "nature" "also" "human" "lake"
[5,] "site" "activities" "world" "also"
[6,] "new" "nature" "health" "national"
[7,] "protect" "business" "many" "department"
[8,] "work" "impact" "animal" "project"
[9,] "local" "risk" "land" "meeting"
[10,] "protecting" "report" "aquatic" "state"
Topic 5 Topic 6 Topic 7
[1,] "species" "biodiversity" "climate"
[2,] "diversity" "per" "conference"
[3,] "natural" "cent" "conservation"
[4,] "said" "climate" "convention"
[5,] "resources" "companies" "framework"
[6,] "areas" "financial" "national"
[7,] "conservation" "year" "montreal"
[8,] "food" "fund" "china"
[9,] "extinction" "$" "biological"
[10,] "plants" "last" "eritrea"
Although the Findtopicsnumber() optimization metrics didn’t suggest a consistent value for K, k=5 seems like a good number for interpretability. Running more topics resulted in more low-value words and worse interpretability between topics.
Now we can plot the top terms in each topic, and the distribution of topics across a sample of the documents
# Using k=5:
<- tidy(topicModel_k5, matrix = "beta")
# Finding the top terms in each topic, turning them into a cool plot
<- bio_topics |> group_by(topic) |> top_n(10, beta) |> ungroup() |> arrange(topic, -beta)
top_terms %>%
top_terms mutate(term = reorder_within(term, beta, topic, sep = "")) %>%
ggplot(aes(term, beta, fill = factor(topic))) +
geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
facet_wrap(~ topic, scales = "free_y") +
We can assign names to the topics so we know what we are working with. We can name the topics by interpreting the overall theme or idea they represent, but for now let’s just name them by their top terms.
<- terms(topicModel_k10, 5)
topic_words <- apply(topic_words, 2, paste, collapse = "") topic_names
We can explore the theta matrix, which contains the distribution of each topic over each document.
<- c(5:10)
example_ids <- length(example_ids)
n <- theta[example_ids,]
example_props colnames(example_props) <- topic_names
<- melt(cbind(data.frame(example_props),
viz_df document = factor(1:n),
variable.name = 'topic',
id.vars = 'document'))
# Plotting
ggplot(data = viz_df, aes(variable, value, fill = document), ylab = "proportion") +
geom_bar(stat="identity") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) +
coord_flip() +
facet_wrap(~ document, ncol = n)
Based off the top terms in each topic, topic 1 seems to be most closely associated with different levels of government and their efforts to work on biodiversity projects. Topic 2 seems most closely associated with management and conservation, topic 3 seems to be associated with the theme of international climate change, topic 4 looks to be associated with risk and impact assessment for companies, and topic 5 seems to be associated with the theme of climate change’s effect on natural ecosystems. K = 5 seems to have been a reasonable choice.